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Self Help

This page is for my own personal reference, but on the improbable chance you find yourself in my situation, you may be able to, by your own digression, learn from my experiences. 


12-1-22: Lately, I’ve suddenly started experiencing nightmares and nosebleeds. I know it has something to do with a monster attacking me when I turned 5. Aside from general self care, I haven't done anything for my "Curse" in about ten years, and I am not disclosing anything about my medical history further than that. While I don't know how to fix it, Calexta dose. Cal has given me one big thing I can do so far, witch is to wash the bone. I washed it brine of 4 cups of water, a cup of salt, a few sprigs of rosemary, a tablespoon of garlic, a tablespoon of lemon juice, and a few mint leaves. I really hope this works. the only other thing at all is to use the 🝣 symbol around for "good luck". I know Dr. Finch used it a lot too so I'm not surprised Cal believes in whatever power this symbol has. I know I'll absolutely believe in it too if it can get me a decent nights sleep.

12-8-22: One week after after cleaning the creature's remaining remains and my report back is good. My nightmares left the night i washed the bone, but its not all good news. Cal says the bone washing is a temporary solution, and the problem might not stay cleared up forever. That being said, we both decided its for the best that I keep documenting all my dreams in the dream journal for now. If the nightmares or nosebleeds do come back, I need to to rewash the bone in a fresh batch of brine and to report back to them, but otherwise I should be fine until that happens.

1-13-23: Its been over a month, and I'd hate to jinx it, but I'm still good.

1-25-23:  I'm a little worried about a recent dream because my childhood dog, a poodle mix named Kirby, was in it. Kirby was very protective of me the last time my tape problem really acted up, but she's long past. I spent too much time in high school having weird symptoms that always cleared up the day I went to the doctors, and I'm hoping that if not worse doesn't happen again. It was around and up to the 10th anniversary of the tape attacking me last time this all acted up, and the 20th anniversary is little over a month away at this point. that being said, with the bone washing, and everything, I'm already feeling better than last time .

 2-4-22: Had another nightmare, told Cal, washed the bone again. To be honest I'm starting to get really worried about the 20th anniversary of my incident next month, and Cal says, with my past experiences,  there is a non-zero chance the date might prompt something from it again. Anniversaries do have a lot of power. Cal is going to look into potential corrective measures just in case anything goes wrong. Apparently monster curses or whatever I've got are one of those "easier to fix than to prevent" things.

 2-9-22: After my dream last night I immediately called Cal. They were able to ground me from the panic attack I was having, and after some rest time they let me know the old bone wash had run its course. Cal says I need to try a second brine for the bone, and this time I need to keep it submerged. Recipe this time is one cup of salt and three cups of water, cinnamon, garlic, cloves, ginger, pepper flakes, and hot sauce. It smells really funky and Cal says that this one won't stop the nightmares but I need to do it  for three days before the next step. And if I have any nightmares about fire it's working. 

2-10-22: I did get the fire dreams Cal warned me about, and they said I only need to worry about one more night of dreaming before the next step. I'm going to stay over at their house tonight just to take care of what I need to do to get back to dreaming about babysitting Strong Bad or not at all or whatever again.

2-11-22: I spent the night at Cal's house, and I brought the tupperware of the monster remains in potion juice with me. Before I fell asleep last night Cal got together a concoction of ten different bags of tea from Joey's tea selection, that was put in a second tupperware to brew overnight in cold water. As soon as I woke up from the third fire dream I went to the Finch house kitchen, took the bone from the hot potion, rinsed it in cold water, and put it in the tea bath. The whole room filled with a light blue vapor, that really only resembled practical effects from a 80s movie,  that also cleaned out everyone's sinuses. Cal says I should be fine at least until after Valentine's this time, but after that we'll all just have to play it by ear. They told me whatever bit me is quite powerful to do what it does, but there are stronger forces in this world, and as long as we stay on top of everything we have nothing to worry about. I am still pretty worried but I know one thing, I trust Calexta. 

2-26-22: my dreams are starting to get alarming again. Ive told Cal and they say I just have to ride this one out until closer to my birthday unless "something scary" happens. 

3-7-22: This is going to be my last update for this page for a while. Its the 20th anniversary of the attack and despite this I know I'm safe from my old fears. If I ever need this page again I'll have it, but for now, I know I'm ok.


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