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Aries ♈-  Fireworks

(A display in the sky made of gunpowder mixed with pigments)

Taurus ♉- Lamp

(a device used to light a large area)

Gemini ♊-  Older

(When more time has passed for something)

Cancer ♋- Clock

(A device for telling time)

Leo ♌- Claw

(a very sharp nail that can tear flesh)

Virgo ♍- Dog

(a domesticated wolf often kept as a companion)

Libra ♎- Dice

(numbered cubes used to generate random values)

Scorpio ♏-  Iceskate

(A shoe with a blade on the sole used to smoothly travel on ice)

Sagittarius ♐- Painting

(Art made with Paint)

Capricorn ♑ - Spaceship

(a vehicle for space travel  )

Aquarius ♒- Perfume

(a liquid smell you can apply to yourself)

Pisces ♓- Hope

(Trust that the future hold something better)


Aries ♈- Ruby

(A precious stone known for its vibrant red color)


Taurus ♉- Mushroom

(A large fungus, often with a cap and stem)


Gemini ♊- Plop

(The Onomatopoeia for something falling softly but not without impact)


Cancer ♋- Tangle

(When things get tied together on antecedent)


Leo ♌-Jump

(you can go in the air by extending your legs)


Virgo ♍- Shine

(producing or reflecting light with intensity )


Libra ♎- Net

( A sheet full of holes used to catch things. )


Scorpio ♏-Planet

(A object in space orbiting the sun that's big enough to name )


Sagittarius ♐- Chuckle

( A small laugh )


Capricorn ♑ - Cube

( A 3D square )


Aquarius ♒- Snap

(the sound of quickly rubbing your fingers together to make a click sound)


Pisces ♓- Fish

(a vertebrate that breaths water their entire life)


Aries ♈-Email

( Electronic Mail sent over a computer)


Taurus ♉- Alphabet

(A group of letters used together in a language)


Gemini ♊- Earn

(To get something as a consequence of previous activity)


Cancer ♋-Shell

( A hard outer layer)


Leo ♌- Chime

( A instrument you leave outside so the wind plays it)


Virgo ♍-Loading

(to move a lot of something somewhere else)


Libra ♎- Pink

(Light Red)


Scorpio ♏- Living

(the act of being alive and animate )


Sagittarius ♐- Pen

( a device filled with ink for writing or illustration)


Capricorn ♑ - Scale

( a plate of skin from an animal)


Aquarius ♒- Badge

(A pin or card that conveys information about its wearer)


Pisces ♓- Alligator

( A large reptile that's good at biting things that hangs out in water)


Aries ♈- Paint

( a pigment, usually liquid or paste or spray, used to color another object a particular color)

Taurus ♉- Measurement

(when you record how much something is, usually to a numerical value or reference)

Gemini ♊- Quickly

(When something happens or someone does something in a way that's fast)

Cancer ♋- Borrowed

( when something was temporarily taken in the past, usually to indicate the object of the borrow not being in possession anymore)

Leo ♌- Marigold ( a lovely warm colored flower with wavy petals. Dogs and ducks alike like to eat them I've seen both)

Virgo ♍- Selling ( when something is being exchanged for money)

Libra ♎- Rhombus

( it's like a shape right?)

Scorpio ♏- Keyboard

( a electronic board where letters are pressed to produce the corresponding letter or a command on a receiving electronic input)

Sagittarius ♐- Lunch

(a middle meal of the day, usually had around noon)

Capricorn ♑ - Soul

(someone's personal force of energy and self)

Aquarius ♒- Cheese

(A rich food made from milk aged for long periods of time to ferment)

Pisces ♓- Swimming

( when you move your body to stay afloat or move in water)


Aries ♈-  Spicy

(The trait of something tasting like it is chemically burning you, typically in a good way.)


Taurus ♉- Daisy

(A cute little flower. Usually it has long, thin, white petals and a yellow center. )


Gemini ♊- Glasses

(Two lenses in a frame worn over the eyes to cure poor eyesight.)


Cancer ♋- Sand

( Small particles of rock and organic material that make up the terrain of most beaches and dry deserts.  )


Leo ♌- Fang

( A long and powerful tooth. )


Virgo ♍- Honey

( A sweet and syrupy byproduct of bees)


Libra ♎- Yes

( A statement of affirmation)


Scorpio ♏- Cool

( When something is a little cold, but not very.)


Sagittarius ♐- Corn

( A starchy yellow vegetable with small yellow kernels. )


Capricorn ♑ - Monkey

(An animal that's like a weird, hairy little man. They have tails and live in trees. )


Aquarius ♒- Pastel

(A soft, pale color.)


Pisces ♓- Soda

( A drink infused with carbonation, sugar, and flavorings .)


Aries ♈-  Healing 

(The process of something damaged returning to its undamaged state)


Taurus ♉- Choice 

(The act of making or having a decision)


Gemini ♊- Ginger 

(A flavorful, blobby root often used as a spice or as a natural remedy)


Cancer ♋- Current 

(A defined and consistent flow )


Leo ♌-Lucky

(Something believed to have an invisible advantage in situations of chance)


Virgo ♍- Hour

(A unit of time classified as being 60 minutes or a 24th of a day.)


Libra ♎- Emerald 

( A rare and valuable form of beryl, known for having a rich green color.)


Scorpio ♏- Animation 

( The process of formating individual illustrations into frames in a video.)


Sagittarius ♐- Goose

( A common freshwater bird that's slightly larger and more aggressive than a duck.)


Capricorn ♑ - Mozzarella 

( A soft round cheese that's popularity used on pizza or deep fried as sticks.)


Aquarius ♒- Spinning 

(When something turns in the same direction without going anywhere.)


Pisces ♓- Grapes

(Small, round fruit that grows in bunches on vines. They are usually Purple, Light Green, or Red.)


Aries ♈-  Web

( A series of things connected to each other in multiple places)


Taurus ♉- Zone

(A specific area)


Gemini ♊- Baneful

(Seriously harmful or destructive)


Cancer ♋- Solo

( One person, alone)


Leo ♌- Backpack 

( A bag with back straps so you can use it with your hands free)


Virgo ♍- Circuit

(Something that's connected to itself)


Libra ♎- Running 

(To walk faster by really lifting your legs)


Scorpio ♏- Variant 

(When something is distinctly but not too different than standard )


Sagittarius ♐- Island 

( an area of solid surface in the middle of something, usually land in the middle of water)


Capricorn ♑ - Gem

( a mineral that looks nice enough for people to think it has aesthetic value)


Aquarius ♒- Unique 

(To have traits nothing else has )


Pisces ♓- Cartoon 

( An often exaggerated sequence of illustrations)


Aries ♈-  Narrator 

( Someone in a story that isn't there and yet provides additional information or context to the story)


Taurus ♉- Prank

(A act performed to confuse, embarrass, or inconvenience others without performing any actual harm)


Gemini ♊- Potato 

(A hardy root vegetable that's delicious when cooked a variety of ways)


Cancer ♋- Memory 

( Something from the past you can recall in your mind)


Leo ♌- Nailpolish 

( A liquid pigment to temporarily coat human nails that drys on )


Virgo ♍- Scientist 

( Someone active in a field of scientific study)


Libra ♎- Mountain 

(A large, elevated formation of rock)


Scorpio ♏- Butterfly 

(A pollinating insect known for having beautiful wings and for transforming from a worm)


Sagittarius ♐- Gecko 

( A sort of lizard that's small and known for climbing)


Capricorn ♑ - Train

( A tracked vehicle that can take a large amount passengers or resources long distances )


Aquarius ♒- Yonder 

( A far but observable distance)


Pisces ♓- Essential 

(When something is needed)



Aries ♈-  Plushie 

(a toy made from fabric and stuffing, such as a stuffed animal)


Taurus ♉- Hello 

(a common greeting)


Gemini ♊- Authority 

(when someone has a level of control over the permissions of others)


Cancer ♋- Bonus 

(something extra, usually pleasant in nature)


Leo ♌-Creator 

(something who made something)


Virgo ♍-  Daydream 

(when you deeply imagine something to the point of distraction)


Libra ♎- Signature 

(something as to indicate who created the signature, often someone writing their own name in a way only they can) 


Scorpio ♏- Rapid 

(when something happens in a relatively short amount of time)


Sagittarius ♐- Eat 

(to consume food for nutrients and/or to experience the taste) 


Capricorn ♑ - Theme 

(an central idea held around a work or event)


Aquarius ♒- Stripes 

(a series of lines as a pattern)


Pisces ♓- Sleepy 

(to lack energy in an approachment of unconsciousness) 

Aries ♈-  Ghost 

(The still present soul of the deceased)


Taurus ♉- Prank

(A fun trick that is inconvenient or confusing but not hostile)


Gemini ♊- Lobster 

(A crustacean that's like a long crab)


Cancer ♋- Bone 

(A weird organic rock that a lot of animals are filled with)


Leo ♌-Midnight 

(The top of the night, 12 on the clock)


Virgo ♍- Treat 

(A little nice thing)


Libra ♎- Hotdog 

(A tube of ground meat and spices, usually consumed on a bun)


Scorpio ♏- Bat 

(A little winged mammal known for its echolocation)


Sagittarius ♐- Starlight 

(The light of the stars in the sky)


Capricorn ♑ -Void 

(Apparent very nothingness) 


Aquarius ♒- Pumpkin 

(A round, usually orange gourd known for its thick rind. They are used both as decorations and food)


Pisces ♓- Mask 

(Apparel that covers your face)



Aries ♈- Frozen
( When something usually liquid gets cold to the point of shifting to a solid state of matter)

Taurus ♉- Clump
(When a lot of a smaller object gathers into a mass)

Gemini ♊- Before
(Proceeding the present)

Cancer ♋- Jigsaw
(A particular type of saw or a puzzle with pieces cut in an interlocking cut)

Leo ♌- Options
( Something you can choose)

Virgo ♍- stone
(A solid mineral )

Libra ♎- Lives
(To continue not being dead )

Scorpio ♏- Fresh
(When something isn't old yet)

Sagittarius ♐- Ten
( a number between 9 and 11, the most common human numerical base is base 10)

Capricorn ♑ - Premiere
( Something's first showing)

Aquarius ♒- Download
(To digitally gain something)

Pisces ♓- Pizza
( A food popular at parties often made from cheese and sauce on a base of dough)


Aries ♈- Holiday

( A celebration held on a regular annual interval)


Taurus ♉- Candle

(A block of wax fitted with a wick to slowly burn)


Gemini ♊- Frost

(Light ice from water vapor freezing)


Cancer ♋- Fireplace

( A spot in a house built to safely contain a fire)


Leo ♌-Snowman

(A snow sculpture that looks like a guy made of big snowballs because it is )


Virgo ♍- Cheer

( Infectious Hope or Joy)


Libra ♎- Bright 

(When light is strong)


Scorpio ♏- Owl

(A nocturnal predatory bird known for being able to swivel its head 180 degrees)


Sagittarius ♐- Pine

( A evergreen tree with needle like leaves)


Capricorn ♑ - Mint

(A plant often used as a flavoring that has a strong cold flavor )


Aquarius ♒- Cozy

(When you are safe and warm, and you feel sentimental about it )


Pisces ♓- Tea

(Dried plant material brewed in hot water as a beverage )

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