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August 18th

Today in 1969, the most famous music festival in modern history happened. Woodstock. The festival's name came from the nearest town to the dairy farm it was hosted at. Performers such as the Grateful Dead, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, and a lot of other unforgettable bands made history over that three day weekend. A truly one in a lifetime experience for many a hippie. They did have some later Woodstock festivals with their own all-star lineups, but the first one sticks in people's minds the most.

The festival has left its mark on pop culture, and there's two particular instances that jump to mind in particular for me. The first was one of the segments on Animaniacs, in which Slappy Squirrel finds herself locked in a variation of the "who's on first" gag with the names of several bands of the times. The second is that Woodstock is the name of the little yellow bird in the Peanuts comic strips. I love that little guy.

[CONTRIBUTOR’S NOTE: I’m assuming that the post-Woodstock hippy magnet is Burning Man, where a bunch of people hang out in the desert doing various hippy things for a week.]

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