Today in 1968, a classic yet bizarre family musical first debuted. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is definitely a movie, and it has Dick Van Dyke in it. The movie is about a wacky inventor that makes a flying car and he has kids and a girlfriend and the bad guy wants the car. To be honest, I know I watched this one a few times as a kid but I've retrained very little of it. Like all I can remember is the villain scaring me.
Anyway, this movie has a weird gimmick for a kids movie, it's based on a novel by James Bond creator Ian Fleming. He wrote a single kids book, and they gave it a weird movie that's apparently not a very loyal adaptation. Also in 2011, almost 50 years after he passed away, Fleming's family hired a guy to write new official sequels to the original story. So if you want that it's out there.