Today is the theatrical debut of a simple yet powerful animated short. "The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics", is a 1965 short directed by Chuck Jonesa nd his frequent collaborator Maurice Noble. This short is based on the book of the same name by Norton Juster.
[ASSOCIATES NOTE: It should be noted that Juster also wrote "The Phantom Tollbooth", a beloved children's novel which Jones also adapted in 1970]
The short lives up to its subtitle of "A Romance in Lower Mathematics", as it tells the story of a romance between a blue line and a red dot, and how their relationship was interrupted by a homewrecking squiggle. The line then makes a valiant effort to regain his dot's affections, and he eventually succeeds when the squiggle begins to disappoint the dot. I don't mind giving the plot on this one, because it's objectively a short you watch for the experimental visuals.