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December 5th

Writer's picture: Thomas Bennedetto Thomas Bennedetto

Today is Walt Disney's birthday. As you might already know, I don't exactly like or respect Walt Disney, for a variety of reasons on a number or levels of severity. However I still like a lot of works made under the Disney brand, usually out of respect for the people who actually made the thing I like. Like, one of Walt Disney's many problems is that he liked to take credit for other people's work. For example, the fact he had a group of animators he instructed to use a fake version of his signature to sign autographs for him, and there's so many officially approved fakes it's currently a problem for signature collectors.

Actually, I usually don't usually send people off site during my articles, but I have to recommend the Defunctland YouTube channel. Started as a virtual archive of lost to time theme park rides, the channel ended up going into how much of a jerk and a creep Walt was, just to give context for the theme parks made under his name. I'm not too proud to say when someone can explain a topic better than I can, and Defunctland's project head Kevin Purger and his team go into a level of historical depth and detail that I don't know if anyone can rival. Also they got Rocco Botte to voice Walt Disney in at least one video, so I can use Mega 64 to take this article full circle.

[ASSOCIATE NOTE: The newest Defunctland on the Disney Channel theme changed my life so I'll second this recommendation, as if I wouldn't already.]

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