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Emoji Classification

Writer's picture: Thomas Bennedetto Thomas Bennedetto

Hello class, in today's article I'm going to list all the animal emojis by their scientific name. I'm going off the contemporary, early 2023 Google emoji 14 art for my classification.

🦁-Panthera leo

🐯-Panthera tigris

🐶-Canis lupus familiaris

🐺-Canis lupus


🐻‍❄️-Ursus maritimus

🐨-Phascolarctos cinereus

🐼- Ailuropoda melanoleuca

🐹- Cricetinae

🐭- Mus musculus

🐰- Oryctolagus cuniculus

🦊- Vulpes vulpes

🦝-Procyon lotor

🐮-Bos taurus

🐷-Sus scrofa domesticus

🐗-Sus scrofa

🦓-Equus quagga

🐴-Equus caballus

🦎- Gekkonidae

🦖- Tyrannosaurus rex

🦕- Brontosaurus

🐢- Testudines




🐈-Felis catus

🐎- Equus caballus

🐃- Water Buffalo

🦬- Bison

🦔- Erinaceinae

🐑-Ovis aries

🐐- Capra aegagrus hircus

🦌- Cervidae

🦙-Lama glama


🦘- Osphranter

🐘- Elephantidae

🦣- Mammuthus

🦏- Rhinoceros

🦛- Hippopotamus amphibius

🦒- Giraffa

🐆- Panthera pardus

🐒 - Simian

🦍 -Gorilla gorilla


🐪- Camelus

🐿️- Tamias striatus


🦨- Mephitidae

🦡 -Meles meles

🦔- Erinaceinae

🦦- Lutra lutra

🦇- Chiroptera

🐦- Sialia

🐓- Gallus gallus domesticus

🦅- Haliaeetus leucocephalus

🦉- Strigiformes

🦜- Amazona viridigenalis

🕊️- Streptopelia risoria

🦤 - Raphus cucullatus

🦢- Cygnus

🦆- Anas platyrhynchos

🦩- Phoenicopteridae

🦚 - Pavo cristatus

🦃- Meleagris gallopavo

🐧- Aptenodytes forsteri

🦭- Pagophilus groenlandicus

🦈 -Carcharodon carcharias

🐬- Delphinus

🐋- Mysticeti

🐟 - ??? (I can't figure out what fish this is)

🐠 - Chaetodontidae

🐡- Tetraodontidae

🦐 - Caridea

🦞- Nephropidae

🦀 - Brachyura

🦑 - Decapodiformes

🐙- Octopoda

🦪- Pinctada

🪸- Corallium

🦂- Scorpiones

🕷️- Araneae

🐌- Gastropod

🐜- Formicidae

🦗 - Grylloidea

🪲- Buprestidae

🦟- Culicidae


🪰- Diptera

🐝 - Anthophila

🐞- Coccinellidae

🦋- Danaus plexippus

🪱- Lumbricina

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19 תגובות

Sweet Dynamo Ariel
Sweet Dynamo Ariel
16 בפבר׳ 2023

I betcha that mystery fish is a tuna! if not just a generic fish, of course!

Thomas Bennedetto
Thomas Bennedetto
16 בפבר׳ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

I checked tuna and it didn't look right. I think it's just supposed to be a non-descript fish


11 בפבר׳ 2023

Cool emojis

11 בפבר׳ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

You have a lot of good ideas at midnight, you can't say that about most people


10 בפבר׳ 2023

Wow, neat! You seem to know a lot about animals.

Thomas Bennedetto
Thomas Bennedetto
11 בפבר׳ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

For a lot of cryptids, I'd imagine we'd comapre them to what we know like any new animal. But It's odd to think how you would classify an animal that's nothing like you've ever known before. Probably happened to the guy that first tried to classify the platypus. It's between a bird and a mammal and I know it was commonly believed to be a hoax when first discovered. Now everyone knows about them from Phineas and Ferb, not that Perry the platypus is very indicative of his species in real life. Did you know platypuses are venomous? They should make a platypus emoji

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