Today in 1983 the first HBO original series first graced the airwaves. Fraggle Rock is a children's puppetry series created by the legendary Jim Henson. The series depicts the lives of Fraggles, a fantastic race of fluffy little muppet characters. Fraggle Rock itself is the name of the underground world the Fraggles co-exist in with Doozers, who have a mutualistic relationship with Fraggles where the Doozers make little buildings out of edible materials and the Fraggles eat the buildings so the Doozers can build in that area again.
Humans do exist in the world of Fraggle Rock, but to the Fraggles we are silly creatures that live in “outer space.” Fraggles can go into outer space, but they are supposed to avoid human attention. There are also the Gorgs, who are a family of large furry humanoids that regard themselves as the rulers of the universe. They see Fraggles as pests and will attack them on sight. And that's your lot of Fraggle Rock lore for today.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s an unconventional choice, but Sprocket the dog might be my favorite muppet. I just love his cute face and the way he moves!]