Today is Donald Duck Day. Donald Duck is a cartoon character that you think you have a good grip on what he's all about until you learn he's popular in Europe and the protagonist of one of the most extensive continuities in comic history. Like, as a kid [EDITOR’S NOTE: in North America, at least] he was just the funnier and angrier second fiddle to Mickey Mouse. Then you learn about the world of duck comics. The very, VERY wide world of duck comics.
Donald Duck is actually more popular than Mickey Mouse in some parts of Europe because of how popular these comics are– heck, Donald Duck is constantly the most popular write-in candidate in Sweden. This is a duck with anger issues that's related to an expy of Ebenezer Scrooge who is a stupid rich adventurer. None of this makes sense, except yes it does.
June 9th - Donald Duck Day
Updated: Feb 13, 2023
when i was a kid i hated him because his voice gave me headaches
Donald duck is a man of the world.