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March 10th - Birthday Problem

Today is My Birthday, I'm turning 25 this year. To be honest I am writing this ahead so Christmas hasn't even hit yet when this is being written, so I couldn't tell you what I got this year yet. I hope I get Homestar Runner shirts for both. That being said, I have some fun math to talk about.

In the mathematical field of probability, there's a theory that in a room of 23 people there's a 50/50 chance two people were born on the same day on a 365 day calendar. This is called the Birthday Problem and it's considered a paradox because it sounds fake but is consistently accurate in practice. There's also a bunch of similar inquiries related to this problem, like "what are the chances someone shares a birthday with me", "how many people do you need before two people definitely share a birthday", and "what about being birthday neighbors", so that's a probability rabbit hole for anyone who really likes math. For me the only confusing math I need is the contemplation of turning 25.

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