Today is Sea Monkeys Day. Sea monkeys are obviously not actual monkeys, nor are they the little mermaid things on the packaging. They are shrimp. Brine shrimp. As a toy, sea monkeys are just the act of incubating brine shrimp eggs and then just having them as a pet. A shrimp pet for children.
Not to steal the spotlight from them on their big day, but brine shrimp aren't even the only shrimp that can do the dehydrated living egg thing, and the other one is objectively cooler. This variety of tadpole shrimps, known as Triops, are known as "living fossils" and actually have three eyes. So you have options in the world of instant pets.
May 16th - Sea Monkeys Day (Triops)
Updated: Feb 12, 2023
I swear I've seen more triops kits in stores than sea monkeys. Must've been a change in fad. I'd see them in aquarium and zoo gift shops as a kid.