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May 18th - Nix and Hydra (Pluto's moons)

Writer's picture: Thomas Bennedetto Thomas Bennedetto

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

Today a good while ago we found out Pluto had two moons we didn't know about before. We call them Nix and Hydra. They were the second and third of Pluto's known moons, with Pluto now being up to five, the other three being Charon, Styx, and Kerberos. Both of the natural satellites discovered today in 2005 are irregularly and elliptically shaped. Nix and hydra both have names originating in Greek mythology. Nyx was the Greek goddess of night and the mother of gods such as Thanatos, Erebus, and Hypnos. Hydra is named for a serpentine monster known for having regenerating heads where if you cut one off two new heads would come in its place. The Hydra was cannonly killed by Heracles as one of his 12 Labors.

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2 commenti

David Hornet
David Hornet
19 mag 2022

Mi piace
Thomas Bennedetto
Thomas Bennedetto
19 mag 2022
Risposta a

I love the heart on Pluto.

Mi piace
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