Hello World, it's Calexta
Today in 2001, the Swedish Band Caramell released their Second and Last studio album Supergott, and today we know and celebrate this album for its second song, that spiked off in popularity years after the band split up, Caramelldansen.
Best known for being paired with a dance loop from an adult visual novel in most of the English speaking world, Caramelldansen was a major meme in the 2000's, when something becoming a meme was a lot more difficult and impressive than it is now. Anyway you and all your little anime club friends would dance to it like a line dance and it was the sickest thing at the time. And as I'm writing this I have the music blaring on loop and Thomas is doing that stupid little dance. Anyway there's one remix of the song he keeps sending me because he says it has a different set of English lyrics that's a better translation of the original Swedish lyrics.
Also I need to mention in Japan one of the lyrics is commonly misheard as "I don't want balsamic vinegar" enough it ended up in the official japanese translation. The song is available in at least a dozen different languages so if you speak something other than Swedish, Japanese or English, you can always check out if it is in your language of choice.