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October 5th

Writer's picture: Thomas Bennedetto Thomas Bennedetto

Today is World's Teachers Day. I want to get this out of the way, I don't consider myself a teacher at all. Teaching is a serious profession that requires a lot of work to do correctly. I'm some dweeb parroting information I find online because I find it to be the one thing I enjoy doing most in life.

But I've had some great teachers I'm going to describe, but not name, for privacy reasons, but they know who they are. Off the top of my head, there’s my third grade teacher, who gave me her copy of Kid Pix Deluxe. I want her to know I still have it on my shelf. Then there’s Joey's grandma, who was my computer lab teacher in middle school all three years, she was definitely my favorite middle school teacher. That crazy Welsh guy I had for science class freshman year. And my first of four highschool drama teachers I had who talked the principal out of suspending me over the Into the Woods recording, I owe you my life. I still haven't sworn in public since that incident.

[NEMESIS NOTE: If I may be serious for a moment, teachers might just be one of the most important pillars of society. Learn to appreciate them- anything they say beats learning from some website led by a weirdo on the internet!]

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