Today is No News Is Good News Day. It's a simple concept, not receiving news is good news. I have to admit I generally agree with this one. It's especially good advice if you are an anxious type. It's easy to get nervous when someone is a few minutes late, but in most circumstances, if something went wrong along the way, you would have heard from them earlier.
I feel like when this mindset is most untrue it is after you hit a threshold of time without news. How long this threshold is varies from person to person but there's definitely a sweet spot to it. News too soon is more likely to be bad. No news at all probably means something went wrong that the news can't arrive. I feel like that's why I try to be early to things, but this often leaves me the person waiting.
Also despite all this, I do have good news today. Tomorrow will be Jax's first article, the first of two written by them this month.
Surprised you didn't jump in on mink car