Today we observe the site's Commentators. The following is a discussion between Jax and Pim, Moderated by the Site's Webmaster, as they answer a series of 10 "this or that" questions like Tom and David did that one time.
Tom: Ok here's question one: Cake or Ice Cream?
Jax: I love a good Cake, it's like the sweetest food ever and you try to make it as beautiful as possible. ice cream is nice too, but there just feels like something extra special about cake.
Pim: Cake, I guess. I don't really eat sweets. Seems like the most tolerable option.
Tom: Alright, question 2: Grayscale or Technicolor?
Pim: Technicolor, I mean, what year do you think it is?
Jax: I am technicolor all the way, but I do enjoy grayscale in like, cool comics and stuff
Tom: Ok number 3, Books or Magazines?
Jax: I'm going to be honest I do most of my reading online
Pim: Books. They're just better. Magazines can be good but not usually these days.
Jax: I'd say books as well
Tom: Question 4: Snow or Sun?
Pim: Did you already run out of question ideas?
Tom: Huh? Like, I feel like it's a fair question? Your preferred weather?
Pim: It's unoriginal. But whatever. Sun I guess.
Jax: I also choose the sun! We can be sun buddies Pim!
Pim: Haha, yeah.
Tom: ok next question Dogs or Cats?
Jax: I like dogs but I'm definitely more of a cat person
Pim: Both are ok. They're very different.
Jax: they are, idk why they are considered opposites
Pim: People feel the need to categorize everything into a binary.
Jax: Don't I know it
Tom: Alright, next question: vampire or werewolf?
Jax: I feel like vampires are more vulnerable, but they have cooler powers
Pim: Werewolf stories tend to be cooler.
Jax: Yeah, also werewolf are a bit more of a tossup
Pim: They're wild and unpredictable
Jax: you are either just an animal shape shifter, or you are stuck to a moon clock. Also wear-wolfs still age most of the time, and I'd not want to live forever.
Pim: You stay a vampire forever. That would be inconvenient in the modern day.
Jax: Yeah I mean with modern stuff, people would notice you don't age more. You would have to stay off social media or else just, have to have a dozen different accounts that stay up for a while before ghosting. And that would suck.
Tom: Next question: Hamburgers or Hotdogs?
Pim: Hamburgers probably.
Jax: yeah same
Tom: ok, TV or Movies?
Pim: It depends. Most media isn't that impressive, so I'll take any good stuff I can get.
Jax: I'm going to say TV. I just like a good TV show
Tom: ok I have our second to last question: Writing or Drawing?
Pim: Writing. Definitely.
Jax: Writing, maybe that's why I was drawn to your site. Hey Pim?
Pim: Yes?
Jax: why do you keep coming back to tom’s site
Pim: It's fun.
Jax: I was guessing it was like a Statler and Waldorf thing,if you are familiar with the Muppets
Pim:I guess you could say it kind of is
Jax: Fair game
Tom: ok last question: Aliens or Robots?
Jax: definitely Robots
Pim: Robots are cooler. And they actually exist.
Tom: I shouldn't be surprised you like robots Jax after your reaction to my one short story, also good point Pim.
Jax: it was a really sweet story Tom.Are you any closer to finding your other bot yet?
Tom: I, not, I
Pim:You're not gonna get very far if you spend all day on this dorky little website of yours.
Jax: hehehehe
Tom:I will admit, I feel closer than I was when I wrote it but I still… Also you don't know that Pim
Pim: It's just a joke, kid
Jax: well I enjoyed this little discussion
Pim:This was a bit cheesy, but not as bad as I thought it would be.
Tom: well Pim, that means a lot to me coming from you
Pim: Don't get too used to it.
Pim being cooperative?! I’m flabbergasted, did your heart grow a size? Seriously though, that was a fun read!