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Weekly Weird April 9th-15th (Grab Bags, Plants, Records and The Sky)

Writer's picture: Thomas Bennedetto Thomas Bennedetto

April 9th

This is the second week of me doing this. And I definitely like the change in pace. I'm also going to try out a new way to do my guest articles with the new formatting this week, so look forward to that.

Also id like to say something about the site chat box, It dose work and I will reply to you when I catch it. I'm on at least daily if I can help it so If you've messaged me and I didn’t reply, Give it a day and check again.


April 10th

Today is Encourage a Young Writer Day, and while I'm uncertain of how many young writers will find this, I have a message from a writer who's starting to get a little older, but I've still got a lot to learn. For my own writing, it feels like I'm trying to mold words into a desired emotion or set of information. There's something conceptually absurd about writing, that we as a species can hold information in symbols people we may never interact with otherwise can understand on sight.

My best advice for writing is that you really have to go with the flow. You usually don't have to write everything in order, so if you have a part of whatever you want to write that you have in mind that happens after the part of the story giving you a mental paper jam, write ahead and go back. I do it all the time and I do a ton of writing.


April 11th

Today is the birthday of a weird movie I think I had on DVD as a kid but I didn't retain much of it. The Pebble and the Penguin is a film from the famed director Don Bluth, but as inconsistent as his filmography can be, this is considered one of the better of his weaker films. The story is a love triangle set up, with an everyman hero taking on a villain for the attention of a female, but in this movie the lady penguin doesn't like the bad guy at all; he's just threatening her with violence if she refuses to marry her. What a fun and totally not creepy dynamic for a singing penguin movie.

Anyway, I kinda hate how most of the penguins in this film look. Like I'm a guy who can appreciate a good anthropomorphic bird, but the romantic leads look over polished to be as kid friendly and marketable and competing with Disney as possible, and the antagonist makes Pim look subtle with his villainy, despite being a random penguin. Oh, I just remembered what I really hate about this movie. The penguins have teeth. That being said, you may find this film charming if you don't mind penguins having human teeth.


April 12th

Today I'm going to try something new. At least once a week or so I'm just going to give the other Mods a freebie space to talk about whatever interests them. I'll just open with "Today is a grab bag day" and let someone else take over.

That being said, today is indeed a grab bag day so I'll pass this over to Cal.

Hello world, It's Calexta.

Today I have an odd animation thing to talk about. I've been watching a lot of animated specials recently, usually either with Tom or Joey and one in particular has been hurting my brain. P. J. Sparkles was a late 80's light up baby doll. In 1992 they put out a 25 minute animated adaptation of the doll line, and it's just kinda odd.

The Protagonist is introduced as P.J., an orphan girl who's lonely. She's lonely because all her little orphan friends keep getting adopted and, the thing that really bugs her more than anything, she doesn't have a last name. This orphan child doesn't want or get parents. I won't say too much more because it does get weirder, but P.J. does get her last name, sudden responsibilities and yelled at. The whole special is online, and I recommend it if you want some girlie girl so bad it's good.


April 13th

Today is Plant Appreciation Day, and I would like a second just to contemplate plants as a concept. They are usually green and very important to everything. Plants are one of the major forms of life found on this little blue planet, and they are mostly categorized by their ability to metabolize sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into nutrients. The oxygen most animals need to breathe is a byproduct of this process, but in turn animals breathe out carbon dioxide, and both classes of life form mutually recycle each other's breath.

There's a lot of cool plants in the world: The corpse flower, giant flowers that smell like rotting meat. The Durian, a giant variety of fruit that also smells like rotting meat. Orchid flowers that look and smell good. Venus fly traps, which can eat bugs for extra energy. Fruits and most Vegetables in general, it's amazing that plants taste as good as they do. And one last shout out to, aloe vera, a plant that can help heal burns. There's a lot more cool plants than all those but it's a good start.


April 14th

Today is "Look up at the Sky Day". And you should look up at the sky, it's a lovely thing I don't think enough people appreciate, daytime or nighttime. For me today, it's raining, and the sky is a pure sheet of a full white. The exact opposite of not a cloud in the sky. It's all clouds and you can't tell where any of the clouds begin or end. There's on and off rain. Maybe I'll leave the other half of This article and tell you how the weather is going tomorrow.

Ok second day, and while the rain is gone, the Cloud cover is still blocking any blue skies. It might warm up a bit later in the day and the blue skies might return, but for now it seems to be that same bright white wash over the full sky. I wish I could report more exciting weather, but I'm working with what I'm working with.




April 15th

Today is Record Store Day, a holiday for wherever music is sold (excluding major chain stores). I'm sad to say I've never actually had a chance to go to a record store. The closest one is like an hour away one way and I can't drive. That being said, I would like to get a new record player and some of those new colorful TMBG Vinyls sometime, but I have bigger priorities I suppose.

To be honest, this is a holiday I mostly know about From Homestar Runner. I know I'm checking in as a complete dweeb on this one, but what can you do? That being said, I would like to just say "The B-est of B-sides" is a great song. This is a weird holiday anyway it's just supposed to be a Saturday in the middle of April and I have no idea who decides what day this one lands on or why.

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Apr 15, 2023

Yesterday, the space probe Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) was launched, that's a fun coincidence!

Thomas Bennedetto
Thomas Bennedetto
Apr 16, 2023
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JUICE! I will admit I am mostly familiar with the Probe from 17776.


Apr 12, 2023

Today was taken over by Calexta which I found so cool, I loved hearing about the animation, such an interesting topic! I'm so excited for tomorrow! Plants are amazing, and give earth so much life! It's really all around us, I wonder what my favorite plant is.. probably thale cress!

Apr 13, 2023
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Thank you Miz! I'd have to say my favorite plant is definitely Roses.


The Scrimbler
The Scrimbler
Apr 10, 2023

Apr 13, 2023
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Apr 09, 2023

plants are soo cool! i think my favorite one isnt technically a plant but a fungus- the devil's tooth. thats the one that "bleeds" from its pores. apparently it also tastes horrible, which i think is just an added level of this thing trying to be as unappealing as possible. its funny to think that its so popular because of its looks!

Thomas Bennedetto
Thomas Bennedetto
Apr 10, 2023
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Most of my friends can testify I am a pretty good cook and baking is no exception. I usually only do it during winter, and now I'm already starting to get into grilling season


Apr 09, 2023

Vinyls r cool n all, but in all honesty, CDs all the way!! x3

Thomas Bennedetto
Thomas Bennedetto
Apr 09, 2023
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Cds are definitely easier to store, produce and play. They are probably my favorite media storage medium, although I have a few vinyl (sadly with no player) and some cassettes.

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