As anyone paying attention to this page is probably already aware, I made a quiz page for the site and within an hour of it being up it hit a quiz response limit I didn't know I had set on me when I mad the quizzes.
Same service also was how I was powering the "employee of the month" poll so I'm changing how I take that poll next month, and likewise I've called the first months poll a few weeks early.
Congratulations to Merlin the Wizard from Arthurian legend for being voted the first Weird Stuff That Happens Employee of The Month. I'll have a more proper post for this next month when we hopefully have a longer poll period.
Aside from that the personality quiz section of the website is back up on a new, better, I should of used it in the first place, engine. The other good news is there is a 4th quiz that was made as a "I'm sorry I mucked up my own quizzes ,it's fixed" gift to anyone who will take it.
Keep an eye out for more quizzes in the future as they will probably be released iregualey and without warning.